Note: you are only able to view information for the Business Group or Departments that you manage (and any of their sub-departments).
You can begin generating a report by clicking the Reports box on the left of the Supervisor Dashboard.
This will launch the Report Schedule Manager page, which will show you any reports that you currently have scheduled to be generated in the future. You can use this page to edit your existing scheduled reports or delete them altogether.
Report Schedule Manager page
To begin generating a report, click the Add a new report button in the top right corner of the Report Schedule Manager page. This will launch the Reports page, as shown below.
Reports Page
Report types:
You can create the following types of report using the Reports page.
- Abandoned Calls Detail
- Abandoned Calls Summary
- Agent Status Summary (Premium ACD only)
- Agent Summary
- All Agents Status Summaries
- Calls by Day
- Calls by Queue
- Call Detail by Agent
- Call Duration Summary
- Call Log
- Daily Traffic
- Frequent Callers Summary
- Hourly Usage
- Inbound Summary
- Queue Summary
- Short Calls by Agent
- User Statistics
Agent Summary
The Agent Summary report gives an overview of the performance of all of the Agents in your call center.
The entirety of this time period must be within the last 60 days. This information is presented in a table. Note that this table does not include information on incoming calls that were not received via a Queue or outgoing calls.
Each row in the table gives information on an Agent's activity when handling calls from a particular Queue, as indicated in the Agent and Queue columns. An Agent will have a row in the table for every Queue that they are a member of.
The following information is provided.
- Min call duration - The duration of the shortest call answered by the Agent that was received from this Queue during the specified time period.
- Average call duration - The average length of a call answered by this Agent from this Queue during the time period specified.
- Max call duration - The duration of the longest call that this Agent handled from this Queue during the time period specified.
- Average alerting time - The average amount of time between a call from this Queue being hunted to the Agent and the Agent answering their phone.
- Total calls offered - The number of calls offered to this Agent from this Queue during the chosen time period. Note: The agent will not be offered the call if they are already on an active call.
- Total calls answered - The number of calls answered by this Agent from this Queue.
Call Log
The Call Log report gives a detailed overview of call activity for your call center, providing information on all calls made to or from the Business Group or Departments that you manage (and any of their sub-departments) during your chosen time period. The entirety of this time period must be within the last 60 days.
This information is presented as a table with a row for each call.
Call Log report
The following information is provided for each call.
- Date - The date and time at which the call was initiated.
- Direction - Whether this was an incoming, outgoing or internal call.
- Source - The number of the calling party.
- Intermediate Destinations - Any numbers that this call was routed to before reaching its destination. This may include an MLHG Pilot Number or the names or numbers of any other Agents that this call was hunted to before it was answered or abandoned.
- Destination - The number of the party that received the call.
- Duration - The duration of the call.
Note that calls which have used any of the following services may be listed more than once, with each listing representing a leg of the call.
- Call Waiting
- Call Pickup
- Call Hold
- 3-Way Calling
Call Detail by Agent
The Call Detail by Agent report offers a detailed view of call activity for a particular Agent, allowing you to easily assess their level of performance.
It provides information on all incoming and outgoing calls involving an Agent during your chosen time period. The entirety of this time period must be within the last 60 days.
This information is presented as a table with a row for each call.
Call Detail by Agent report
The following information is provided for each call.
- Date - The date and time at which the call was initiated.
- Direction - Whether this was an incoming, outgoing or internal call.
- Source - The number of the calling party.
- Intermediate Destinations - Any numbers that this call was routed to before reaching its destination. This may include an MLHG Pilot Number or the names or numbers of any other Agents that this call was hunted to before it was answered or abandoned.
- Destination - The number of the party that received the call.
- Duration - The duration of the call.
Note that calls which have used any of the following services may be listed more than once, with each listing representing a leg of the call.
- Call Waiting
- Call Pickup
- Call Hold
- 3-Way Calling
Call Duration Summary
This Call Duration Summary report gives a clear indication of how quickly your Agents are dealing with customer calls.
It provides information on the length of calls answered by Agents for a particular Queue during your chosen time period. The entirety of this period must be within the last 60 days.
Note that calls will only be included if they started in the specified time period. A call does not have to finish within the specified time period to be included. If a call is passed from one Queue to another, it will be included in the Call Duration Summary report for both Queues.
This information is presented in both a histogram and a table.
Call Duration Summary report
The histogram shows how many answered calls fell into each duration range during the specified time period.
Daily Traffic
The Daily Traffic report provides a useful indication of when your call center is at its busiest, allowing you to identify peak hours of activity and whether your Agents are handling more calls in the morning or afternoon.
It provides information on the volume of incoming calls to the Business Group or Departments that you manage (and any of their sub-departments) during your chosen time period. This time period must be within the last 32 days. The information is presented in a bar chart and table.
Daily Traffic report
The bar chart displays the number of calls received each day from 0.00am to 12.00 and from 12.00 to 24.00. If the hours of a working day have been specified using the Start of day and End of day fields, calls started outside of the hours of a working day will be excluded from this count.
The table presents the following information for each day that is included in the specified time period.
- AM call count - the number of calls received from 0.00 to 12.00. If the hours of a working day have been specified using the Start of day and End of day fields, calls started outside of the hours of a working day will be excluded from this count.
- PM call count - the number of calls received from 12.00 to 24.00. If the hours of a working day have been specified using the Start of day and End of day fields, calls started outside of the hours of a working day will be excluded from this count.
- Peak hour - the hour of day during which the most calls were received. Note that the peak hour can only be calculated for data that is less than 32 days old.
- Peak hour call count - the number of calls received during the peak hour. Note that the peak hour call count can only be calculated for data that is less than 32 days old.
- AM call count - the total duration of all calls received from 0.00 to 12.00. If the hours of a working day have been specified using the Start of day and End of day fields, the duration of calls that were started outside of the hours of a working day will be excluded from this count.
- PM call count - the total duration of all calls received from 12.00 to 24.00. If the hours of a working day have been specified using the Start of day and End of day fields, the duration of calls that were started outside of the hours of a working day will be excluded from this count.
Hourly Usage
The Hourly Usage report allows you to see which hours of the day a Queue is at its busiest, helping you to plan when extra Agents may be required to answer calls.
It provides information on the volume of calls handled per hour by a particular Queue during a specified time period. The entirety of this time period must be within the last 32 days.
- If the time period that you specify is longer than one day, the totals shown for each hour will be the number of calls made during this hour on all selected days.
- If you use the Start of day and End of day fields to specify the hours of a working day, any activity outside of these hours will be excluded from the report.
This information is presented in a histogram and table, which both display the number of calls per hour that were received through your chosen Queue and answered by an Agent.
Hourly Usage report
User Statistics
The User Statistics report provides an overview of the performance of each of the Agents in your call center, allowing you to quickly view key metrics such as how many calls Agents are failing to answer and how long on average they are taking to deal with customer calls.
It provides call statistics for each Agent in the Business Group or Departments that you manage (and any of their sub-departments) during your chosen time period. The entirety of this time period must be within the last 60 days. This information is presented in a table, with each Agent having one row for incoming call statistics and one row for outgoing call statistics, as indicated in the Direction column.
User Statistics report
The table presents the following information on an Agent's incoming and outgoing calls during the specified time period.
- Total call count - The number of incoming/outgoing calls involving this Agent.
- Answered call count - The number of incoming/outgoing calls involving this Agent that were answered by the called party. This is also shown as a percentage of the total outgoing calls made.
- Unanswered call count - The number of incoming/outgoing calls involving this Agent that were not answered by the called party. This is also shown as a percentage of the total outgoing calls made.
- Call Total Duration - The total duration of all incoming/outgoing calls involving this Agent.
- Average Call Duration - The average duration of an incoming/outgoing call involving this Agent.
Agent Status SummaryTip:
This report is only available for Agents that are members of a Premium ACD Queue.
The Agent Status Summary report allows you to see how long an Agent has been spending in each Agent State during your chosen time period, which must be within the last year.
The information is presented in a pie chart and table.
Agent Status Summary report
The pie chart displays the percentage of your chosen time period that the Agent spent in each Agent State.
The table displays the total time that the Agent has spent in each Agent State. This is also presented as a percentage of your chosen time period.
Calls by Day
The Calls by Day report allows you to see the number of calls per day that are being received by your call center and how they are being handled. You may want to use this report to identify patterns in call volume so that you can anticipate busy periods in future, or you may use the output to identify unexpected rates of call abandonment or rejection.
The report provides statistics on call activity for the Business Group or Departments that you manage (and any of their sub-departments) on each day that falls within your chosen time period. The entirety of this time period must be within the last year. Note that if you use the Start of day and End of day fields to specify the hours of a working day, any activity outside of these hours will be excluded from the report.
This information is presented in a bar chart and table.
Calls by Day report
The bar chart displays the number of answered, abandoned and rejected calls for each day in the specified time period.
The table presents the following information for each day in the specified time period.
- Calls Received - The number of calls received.
- Calls Answered - The number of calls received that were answered by an Agent. This is also presented as a percentage of the total number of calls received.
- Calls Abandoned - The number of calls received that were abandoned by the caller before they were answered by an Agent. This is also presented as a percentage of the total number of calls received.
- Calls Rejected - The number of calls received that were rejected because there were no Agents available to take the call and the caller could not be put on hold. This could be because the maximum limit on the number of callers on hold had already been reached or because the relevant Queue does not support keeping callers on hold.
Calls by Queue
The Calls by Queue report allows you to see the number of calls that are being received through a particular Queue and how they are being handled. You may want to use this report to identify patterns in call volume so that you can anticipate busy periods in future, or you may use the output to identify unexpected rates of call abandonment or rejection.
The report provides statistics on call activity for a particular Queue on each day that falls within your chosen time period. The entirety of this time period must be within the last year. Note that if you use the Start of day and End of day fields to specify the hours of a working day, any activity outside of these hours will be excluded from the report.
This information is presented in a bar chart and table.
Calls by Queue report
The bar chart displays the number of answered, abandoned and rejected calls for each day in the specified time period.
The table presents the following information for each day in the specified time period.
- Calls Received - The number of calls received through the Queue.
- Calls Answered - The number of calls received through the Queue that were answered by an Agent. This is also presented as a percentage of the total number of calls received through the Queue.
- Calls Abandoned - The number of calls received through the Queue that were abandoned by the caller before they were answered by an Agent. This is also presented as a percentage of the total number of calls received through the Queue.
- Calls Rejected - The number of calls received through the Queue that were rejected because there were no Agents available to take the call and the caller could not be put on hold. This could be because the maximum limit on the number of callers on hold had already been reached or because the relevant Queue does not support keeping callers on hold. This statistic is also presented as a percentage of the total number of calls received through the Queue.
Inbound Summary
The Inbound Summary report allows you to see a summary of the activity for each Pilot Number in your Queue(s). You may want to use this report to assess the success of marketing campaigns which use a Pilot Number as the first point of contact for your organization.
The report provides statistics on the inbound calls received by all Pilot Numbers in all your queues within your chosen time period. The entirety of this time period must be within the last 60 days.
This information is presented in a table only.
Inbound Summary report
The table presents the following information for the specified time period.
- Pilot Number - The DN of each Pilot Number in your Queue(s).
- Calls Received - The number of calls received through the Pilot Number(s) in your Queue(s).
- Calls connected - The number of calls handled by the Pilot Number(s) in your Queue(s).
- Total duration - The total duration of all incoming calls received by the Pilot Number(s) in your Queue(s).
- Average call duration - The average length of a call answered by the Pilot Number(s) in your Queue(s) during the time period specified.
- Average Wait Time - The average time a caller had to wait before the Pilot Number(s) handled the call.
- Calls Abandoned - The total number of calls received by the Pilot Number(s) in your Queue(s) that were abandoned by the caller before they were answered.
- Average Abandon Time - The average time callers waited in a Queue before hanging up without their call being answered by the Pilot Number.
Queue Summary
The Queue Summary report allows you to see the activity in all your Queues on a single report. This report includes both inbound calls and internal calls. You may want to use this report to identify patterns in call volume across your Queues so that you can anticipate busy periods in future, or you may use the output to identify unexpected rates of call abandonment or rejection.
The report provides statistics on the activity of all your Queues within your chosen time period. The entirety of this time period must be within the last 60 days.
This information is presented in a table only.
Queue Summary report
The table presents the following information for the specified time period.
- Queue - The name of the Queue.
- Calls Received - The number of calls received through this Queue. This is also presented as a percentage of the total number of calls received through the Queue.
- Calls Answered - The number of calls received through this Queue which were answered by an Agent. This is also presented as a percentage of the total number of calls received through the Queue.
- Calls Abandoned - The number of calls received through this Queue that were abandoned by the caller before they were answered by an Agent. This is also presented as a percentage of the total number of calls received through the Queue.
- Calls Rejected - The number of calls received through this Queue that were rejected because there were no Agents available to take the call and the caller could not be put on hold. This could be because the maximum limit on the number of callers on hold had already been reached or because the relevant Queue does not support keeping callers on hold. This statistic is also presented as a percentage of the total number of calls received through the Queue.
- Average waiting time - The average time callers had to wait before the call was answered by this Queue.
- Average call duration - The average length of a call answered by this Queue during the time period specified.
- Average abandon time - The average time callers waited in a Queue before hanging up without their call being answered.
Abandoned Calls Summary
The Abandoned Calls Summary report allows you to see how many calls are abandoned across all of your Queues. This report includes both inbound calls and internal calls. You may want to use this report to identify unexpected rates of call abandonment in particular Queues which might indicate that you need more Agents in that Queue.
The report provides statistics on the call abandonment rate for all your Queues within your chosen time period. The entirety of this time period must be within the last year.
This information is presented in a table only.
Abandoned Calls Summary report
The table presents the following information for the specified time period.
- Queue - The name of the Queue.
- Average abandon time - The average time callers waited in a Queue before hanging up without their call being answered.
- Calls Abandoned - The number of calls received through this Queue that were abandoned by the caller before they were answered.
Short Calls by Agent
The Short Calls by Agent report allows you to see the number of calls of less than 5 seconds handled by your Agents. You may want to use this report to identify Agents with an abnormally high number of short calls which might suggest that they are not handling callers correctly.
The report provides statistics for the number of short calls handled by all your Agents within your chosen time period. The entirety of this time period must be within the last 60 days.
This information is presented in a table only.
Short Calls by Agent report
The table presents the following information for all your Agents over the specified time period.
- Agent - The name of the Agent.
- Short calls - The number of calls lasting less than 5 seconds handled by the Agent.
Frequent Callers Summary
The Frequent Callers Summary report allows you to see the 50 most active callers, in order, for the selected Queue. You may want to use this report to identify callers whose repeat calls might indicate their call was not dealt with satisfactorily, for example because they called multiple times but hung up before their call was answered each time, or who are particularly good customers who might be suitable targets for a marketing campaign.
The report provides statistics for the 50 most active callers to a selected Queue within your chosen time period. The entirety of this time period must be within the last 60 days.
The information is presented in a table only.
Frequent Callers Summary report
The table presents the following information for the selected Queue for the specified time period.
- Caller ranking - The ranking for this caller, based on the number of calls received from them during the specified time period.
- Source - The number of the calling party.
- Calls Received - The number of calls received from this caller.
- Calls Abandoned - The number of calls that were abandoned by this caller before they were answered by an Agent.
- Total queuing time - The total amount of time this caller had to wait before their call was answered by an Agent.
- Total duration - The total duration of all incoming calls received from this caller.
Schedule a recurring report
- Enter your chosen title for this report into the Report Title field.
- Select the report type from the Report type drop down menu.
- If you selected Agent Status Summary or Call Detail by Agent as the report type in step 2, you must now select the Agent that you want to create this report for using the Select data drop down menu.
- If you selected Calls by Queue, Call Duration Summary, Frequent Callers Summary or Hourly Usage as the report type in step 2, you must now select the Queue that you want to create this report for using the Select data drop down menu.
- Select the reporting schedule from the Schedule drop down menu. This will be one of the following.
- Daily
- Weekly
- Monthly
- Yearly
- If you selected Weekly in step 5, set the Due field to the day of the week on which you want the report to be generated.
- If you selected Monthly in step 5, enter the day of the month on which you want the report to be generated into the Due field. This will be between 1 and 31. Note that if you select a day that does not occur in a particular month (for example, the 31st), the report will be generated on the final day of that month.
- If you selected Yearly in step 5, enter the date on which you want the report to be generated into the Due field. This will be in MM/DD format. If you decided in Before you begin that you wanted to send the report to one or more e-mail addresses, enter these e-mail addresses into the Send to field as a comma-separated list.
- If you want to specify the start time for a working day, use the Start of day hour and minute drop down menus to enter your chosen start time in 24h format.
- If you want to specify the end time for a working day, Use the End of day hour and minute drop down menus to enter your chosen end time in 24h format.
- If you wanted to exclude one or more days of the week from your report, click on the blue boxes at the bottom of the Data range panel that correspond to days of the week that you want to exclude until they are all grayed out.
- At this point, you can choose to preview your report by clicking on the Update Report button. A preview of the report will be shown on the Reports page.
- If you are happy with the settings for your report, click Save.
Result: You are returned to the Report Scheduling page. Your new report appears in the list of scheduled reports.
If you have entered invalid information while carrying out this step, the creation of the report may fail and you will see an error message. If you see an error message, review the information that you have entered into the fields on the Reports page as part of this procedure to ensure that everything is correct.