Log into the Admin CommPortal: https://portal.brainerd.net/bg/
On the Left select “Music on Hold” (a new tab will open with the Music on Hold options)
The Standard configuration will look like the picture below:
Select the “resources” tab to upload you own file
Enter a resource ID between 10-99.
Enter a brief “Description” of the file.
Select “Choose File” and find where the file is located on your computer.
Select “Add” when complete.
Note: You can upload recordings to the server in MP3 format or in most WAV formats. If you upload a file in a WAV format that the server does not support, this file will be rejected immediately after you upload it.
After you select “Add” the page will refresh.
Once you see that your media was saved successfully you can adjust the gain (volume if needed).
Select “Edit” if you chose to adjust the media.
Gain adjustment setting.
Select +1, +2, or +3 to play resource louder: +3 is the loudest.
Select -1, -2, or -3 to play resource quieter: -3 is the quietest.
Select “Save” when done.
When you are finished uploading your media. Go back to the “mappings” tab.
The screen shows a list of mappings between the directory numbers of lines in your Business Group or department and the Music On Hold resources that each line uses.If the department associated with your administration line has one or more subdepartments, you will see links to these at the bottom of the screen.
- To manage resources for a line that is in a sub-department, click on the link for that sub-department.
- When you have followed the link to a sub-department, an additional link appears at the top of the screen, allowing you to move back up to the parent department.
If you have not changed the default, it appears with an “Override” button to the right (instead of the Edit button shown for other mappings).
Select “Override” on the righthand side to apply your new media.
A mapping is an assignment consisting of one or two resources (music or other recordings) and one action, which can be any of the following:
- The initial resource is played repeatedly
- The initial resource is played once, and then the follow-up resource is played repeatedly
- The initial resource and the follow-up resource are continually repeated one after the other
- The initial resource is interrupted at specified intervals by the follow-up resource: for example, a long recording of music is interrupted at intervals by a "please hold the line" announcement
- The initial resource is played once, and then the follow-up resource is interrupted at specified intervals by the initial resource: for example, a "please hold the line" announcement is played first, and then a long recording of music is interrupted at intervals by the same announcement.
You can also specify whether the resource is to be played starting at a random point rather than starting at the beginning. This option means that the caller will hear something different each time he or she is on hold; for example, if the resource consists of three or four different pieces of music one after the other, the user will not always hear the same initial piece of music.
Find the local media source in the dropdown window.
Select “save when complete”